Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Even Ivy Leaguers Need A Snow Day

Today Manhattan was hit by the snowpocalypse that has been affecting the rest of the east coast for the past few days. Schools in Manhattan, especially universities, are notorious for refusing to close due to inclement weather. Columbia University has proven its stubbornness today, refusing to close despite the dangerous weather alert and predicted 10-18 inches of snow. One by one colleges and high schools throughout New York City closed. Even NYU had closed by 2:00PM! All hope for a glorious snow day seemed lost as Columbia students trudged through the slush and snow up the (extremely slippery) stairs on both Morningside and Barnard campuses. Finally, the university recognized how silly they were being and canceled all classes, meetings and activities as of 3:00PM and Columbians were free at last from studying in Butler Library and note taking in lecture halls to engage in snowball wars and sleigh-riding on Low least for a few hours.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Super busy this semester that is. I've got classes, work, rehearsal, concerts upon concerts and a radio show on top of all of that! Which reminds me what this post is all about.

I have a radio show here at school. It's called Beethoven was Deaf and it's gonna be pretty awesome! Tune in Thursdays 10AM-12PM. I'll be taking requests and giving away free tickets to shows periodically so make sure to listen in!

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's Been...A While.

So, no one really reads this thing, but they're not to blame because I don't really write...ever! One of my new year's resolutions is to try and become more dedicated to this blog. I think I'm going to go for at least one post a week to get started, but I will also blog whenever something interesting happens. So, with that being said, here is my first post of the new year.

Since I've been gone, I've done quite a few things.
1. Seen the Cribs for a second time (they're brilliant!)
2. Had a photoshoot around the city! Photos to come in the future
3. Got addicted to the British teen drama Skins
5. Got a Radio Show

Hopefully I can come up with some interesting posts in the future.